An absolute banger article

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Too little too late. Most of people who brought value to the scene are gone.

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Thank you for fighting for fairness and integrity of competitive counter-strike (and esports in general) through thick and thin. Going against the grain is usually the most necessary and yet the most thankless endeavor.

Valve may never realize how immensely you've helped steer the ship in the right direction throughout the last decade, but many of us fans and players do. And we'll never forget it.

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Valve is basically a kid with an ant farm...

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I like how you conveniently left out that you worked for a broadcast that was sponsored by a skins website and the US Air Force!

guess that must of not been included on accident :>

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I've worked on a ton of broadcasts sponsored by skins sites. Never saw a penny from any of them and have never promoted them.

I worked one broadcast that had the US Air Force as a sponsor, raised my objections to the point they had to hire someone else to do those segments and have written extensively down the years why such a sponsorship is wrong.

When morons try to do gotchas they never really work. Great effort though repeating the same tired bullshit as all the other morons before you.

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The last part of the article has me wondering. What behind the scenes kind of stuff are we in for?

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