Firing most of their observers is such a joke like those are the people who actually let everyone see the action and still favoring the dead LCS? Just all in on the LEC and chop up the Americas region to one big one like it should've been once they did it in valorant.

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Great article that shows once again how much of a joke Riot is. Keep up the great work Rich

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A source alluded to it briefly in the article, but I find it so baffling that LEC, their most successful western league, was culled, whereas the flaming wreckage of the LCS was largely unaffected. Blatant favouritism and/or complete communication breakdown between the different management levels.

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The classic corporate move, fire essential employees and then call in emergency replacements at higher cost to save your ass.

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Seems they are planning to bring the level of quality down to LCS levels. I’m so glad esports CS is largely not managed by Valve, prevents things like this, which is just unprofessional.

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Great insight into the situation. Yet another completely avoidable ridiculous situation by Riot Games

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It's crazy how Riot executives never seem to be laid off. I guess it makes sense that they too were being overworked harassing all those women.

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That's some impressively bad business management to fire 11% of your staff and not a single person in the c suite. Normally when a mistake this bad is made someone from the c suite is responsible and gets hit as well.

Or at the very least are responsible for the portions of your business youbare dropping and so get dropped as well.

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Very conspicuous the cuts that the cuts made that stress the production staff so hardly did not include the c-suite. Despicable behavior but not new to esports, as far as I can tell. Thanks Rich.

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the black screen as g2 won won the winter split a couple of weeks ago was just beautiful. truly, riot is a master of their craft

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