NiP is a special type of business.

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So is Richard sending an invoice for his new HR consulting business?

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Hiring the guy who films his partners in the bedroom as your senior video producer... the jokes write themselves.

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Nothing like hiring your neighbouring country's one of the biggest and profilic sexpests.

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I'm sure Jonas Gundersen has dreams in which he just shuts up about the PGL major talent announcement...

Keep up the good work Rich!

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Now there's a guy I would have never expected to come up in these articles, but sure enough, NIP somehow manages to find a way!

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Utterly embarrassing that you add the explanation NiP provided at the very end, an explanation that gives a completely different light to this story. The person in question forged his documents, changed identification and used a fake CV to get the job. Embarrassing you're willing to clickbait and throw an entire org and numerous jobs (including whoever is in charge of hiring people since that person was manipulated by the person in question and isn't at fault) under the bus just for a few pats on your back. I suppose that's what dwindling ratings and views make a man to do. From one of the esports great journalists to clickbaiting and rage baiting.

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What's embarrassing is you missing the part where a simple Google check would have shown this person to be who is. It's also not about pats on the back but it's about an org failing it's duty of care for its players by not doing the basic amount of background checking before making hires.Saying the hiring person was "manipulated" isn't accurate. They simply didn't do their job correctly. That's a problem that NiP should address.

I can't profess to know why you'd want to support an organisation that hires convicted sex offenders to this extent but you seem personally invested in that being "par for the course" for some reason.

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You do have to realize that the actions you propose are illegal in Nordic countries, which take privacy of the employee extremely seriously (unlike anglo countries). Even googling the employee name and denying the workplace on those grounds would be easy grounds for discrimination lawsuit. "Background checks" are usually reserved only for very sensitive occupations, like security or ones that would deal with children. Corporations are not priviledged to comb through your personal history.

All in all, it appears that NiP did everything by the book, and it's unfortunate that a predator used the system to hide their history. OP merely pointed this out, and it's extremely bizarre and unprofessional to accuse them of somehow "personally" advocating for hiring explicitly sexual offenders.

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The "googling of someone in the Nordics is illegal" is the least enforceable of laws when it comes to hiring. You can even read about it if you google about it (heh) and it's not as clear cut as you say it is. Employer is allowed to check the claims the applicant makes about their background or former employers.

How else would you validate a claim if say I said "I used to work as content manager for Evil Geniuses" ? Of course you contact the organization and do a check on the persons claims.

Furthermore, you are allowed to google an applicant if you as the employer make it clear that it is part of the job application process.

It's explained here clearly for the case of Finland https://www.talouselama.fi/uutiset/tyonhakijaa-ei-saa-googlettaa-mutta-mita-tietoja-tyonantajalla-on-lupa-kaivella-lakiasiantuntijan-vastaus-on-selva/b08608ab-69ec-4c35-9216-90e3d7cc1cfe

I quote "Kysymys: Olemme rekrytoimassa uutta henkilöä tärkeään avaintehtävään yrityksessämme. Varmistuaksemme, että teemme oikean valinnan, haluaisimme tietää hänestä mahdollisimman paljon. Mitä taustatietoja saamme kerätä työnhakijasta? Milloin voimme teettää hänestä turvallisuusselvityksen?

Vastaus: Yksityisyyden suojasta työelämässä annetun lain mukaan työnantaja saa käsitellä vain välittömästi työnhakijan työsuhteen kannalta tarpeellisia henkilö­tietoja. Tästä tarpeellisuusvaatimuksesta ei voida poiketa edes työnhakijan suostumuksella.

Teidän on siis kyettävä perustelemaan, että kaikki tiedot, joita työnhakijasta haluatte hankkia, ovat tarpeellisia haussa olevan tehtävän kannalta. Tällaisia ovat yleensä työnhakijan kokemukseen, koulutukseen ja ammattitaitoon liittyvät tiedot; tiedot, joilla pyritään selvittämään hakijan kykyä selviytyä asianmukaisesti tarjolla olevasta tehtävästä.

Vaatimusta ei yleensä täytä tieto hakijan perhesuhteista, lasten lukumäärästä, asuinpaikasta tai asepalveluksen- tai varusmiespalvelun suorittamisen ajankohdasta tai seurakuntaan tai uskontokuntaan kuulumisesta. Tiedon tarpeellisuutta arvioidaan tapauskohtaisesti sen työtehtävän perusteella, jota henkilö on hakenut.

Työnhakijaa koskevat henkilötiedot on hankittava ensisijaisesti häneltä itseltään. Jos työnantaja kerää tietoja muualta, on siihen saatava työnhakijan suostumus. Suostumusta ei tarvita, jos viranomainen luovuttaa tietoja työnantajalle tämän laissa säädetyn tehtävän suorittamiseksi tai jos tietojen keräämisestä tai saami­sesta laissa erikseen nimenomaisesti sääde­tään.

Useastakaan syystä ei voi pitää suosi­teltavana sitä, että tietoja hankitaan internetin hakukoneiden avulla."

So you can see that it's not a fucking "You are not allowed to google someone", it only pertains to certain parts of the process and information. It even implies you are allowed to look up someone's claims about their ability. Please stop spewing headlines of newsposts without reading in to the specifics about the law.

(For non-finns, a translation:

"Q: We are recruiting a new person for a key position in our company. To make sure we make the right choice, we would like to know as much as possible about him or her. What background information are we allowed to collect about the jobseeker? When can we get a security clearance?

Answer: According to the law on privacy at work, employers may only process personal data that is directly relevant to the job applicant's employment relationship. This necessity requirement cannot be waived, even with the consent of the job applicant.

You must therefore be able to justify that any information you wish to obtain about the job applicant is necessary for the job you are seeking. This will normally include information relating to the applicant's experience, education and professional qualifications; information intended to establish the applicant's ability to cope adequately with the post on offer.

Information about the applicant's family circumstances, number of children, place of residence or period of military or conscript service, or membership of a church or religious denomination will not normally satisfy this requirement. The necessity of this information is assessed on a case-by-case basis in the light of the job for which the person has applied.

Personal data on the jobseeker must be obtained primarily from the jobseeker himself/herself. If the employer collects data from elsewhere, the consent of the jobseeker must be obtained. Consent is not required if the public authority discloses the data to the employer in order to carry out a task provided for by this Act or if the collection or obtaining of the data is expressly provided for by law.

For a number of reasons, it cannot be considered advisable to obtain information through internet search engines.")

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It is in fact not illegal to undertake background checks in Sweden. No clue why people are doubling down on that nonsense. If someone's takeaway from this story is "poor NiP and poor sex offender" then yeah I'm going to question those people's motivations.

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Inc NiP fans. We LoVe ThIS oRg 87-0 nEvEr FoRgEt.


A hiring managers entire job is to look at who you’re hiring. If I hire someone I’ll do 3 things

1) Google first+last name + city

2) LinkedIn lookup

3) Facebook search (this doesn’t really work as much anymore but it’s still worth looking how bat shit crazy this person is.

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You're a top bloke Richard - keep this fantastic level of work coming mate.

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