I've been looking forward to this post since they failed out of the minors.

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Just finished reading. I don't use twitch much, so I was on Youtube and was getting manually banned for flying rainbow flags during the Falcons matches. Not as much when they popped up (disproportionaltely imo) in the ad breaks.

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I was spamming one of their Katowice games in the youtube chat. It didn't seem like anyone was getting timed out for it but I instantly caught one for a comment that mentioned Khashoggi.

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Spmething I noticed in particular with the youtube chat was people were getting timed out and chats deleted for was saying "Russia," "RU," and anything in Russian period. It was pathetic to see it in particular when Cloud9, a predominantly Russian-filled Team , was playing. My workaround was "Rush A." I don't mind if they're specifically talking about the war in Ukraine, that has no place in an esports event. But just banning talking about a while country, even while the players from that country are competing, is just insane. I guess having pride in your home team isn't okay if that home team comes from "the evil place." Only if, of course, that evil place doesn't have partial ownership of your brand.

There were dozens of "why Rainbow flag" messages, and I tried to tell all of those people about how ESL are partially owned by the Saudi Government and Falcons more likely than not are, too. Nobody gives a shit about the sportswashing, just that Saudi hates homosexuals(which although is extremely wrong and disgusting, shouldn't be the tippy top of the list of gievances relating to CS as an eSport), which is just really sad to me; It definitely validates Richard's opinion that the whole scene is rotten.

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Just as an update since watching the Dallas NA Quals, I'm shadowbanned on ESL's livestreams on youtube!

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I “just want to watch the game” but this is masterful trolling regardless.

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I can’t wait to head to SA with my boyfriend and make out the entire match in the crowd during Falcons matches to cheer the team on. Cum on you boys!

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I did get timed out of twitch chat for doing an iteration of the spam so I went on YouTube where it didn't seem to be moderated and had a gay old time spamming the chat with the other 5 youtube viewers. While I do realise it achieves nothing, it has been pretty funny to watch alongside the falcons twitter replies getting bombed (metaphorically unlike Yemen) with pride support. Thanks for the great content as always Richard!

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"I suppose in retrospect maybe my views on this weren’t clear and my coverage was just not extensive enough."

Actually lol'd, we're gonna need 100 more articles and videos exposing Saudi before we're sure, Richard, great line

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Lovely read

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NFL this was a pretty funny gag.

It's amazing how it is easy to push their buttons

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I was listening to music online when I heard a song by Lil Nas X called "That's What I Want." It's a catchy song (don't judge me), but it's clearly about a man wanting another man for love. I would like people to spam "that's what I want" whenever Falcons do well until the moderators catch on and ban it.

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