Classic RLewisReports: Get the classified admin book AND be blacklisted from comment, you do love to see it. EWC is a disgrace.

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Love to see it that Rich gets the classified book proving everyone's just talking bollocks. What a joke. Glad I haven't watched a second of it.

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Ralph Reichert "Act locally to respect the local culture". I don't think he should imply he respects that culture.

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Great reporting, Richard. I can't say I'm shocked by any of this stuff.

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I've been abstaining from watching the EWC and even unfollowed the EWC Dota channel, which I believe was formerly the ESL Dota channel. It's not much but it's what I can do.

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I do plan to tune in, to see how long it takes to get banned for saying 'they drive now' in chat.

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Saudi Arabian is a safe and surprisingly progressive place, as long as you conceal your body, sexualiry, concerns for human rights, and especially your underwear.

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And you know, the local women there are ALLOWED to DRIVE now!! That's progress if I've ever seen it.

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